HOPEX Internal Control
HOPEX Internal Control
MEGA’s platform built on the central repository ensures that all your GRC goals reach each other.
Our HOPEX Internal Control (IC) solution enables companies to identify, set up, evaluate and monitor their internal control infrastructure.
During the internal control infrastructure determination phase, first-level, second-level and key internal controls are identified and defined. Other benefits of this phase are documenting all internal controls and ensuring that they are grouped according to legislation and/or standards. HOPEX IC comes with user-friendly interfaces that allow you to associate defined internal controls with related business processes, business units and risks.
During the establishment phase, questionnaires are developed for each job control that was defined in the previous phase. Execution campaigns are planned. Campaign results are combined in the form of reports.
In the evaluation phase, deficiencies are analyzed and determined. Afterwards, action plans are created and put into practice. After being put into practice, it is monitored whether the plans are carried out by the responsible persons until the relevant deadlines, thanks to the workflow. Said follow-up can be automated and reported.
If we need to summarize our HOPEX Internal Control product in a single sentence, it is a product that reduces the possibility of risks posing a threat to your institution, ensures that your institution is fully compliant with the legislation, and allows you to measure and increase your business process performance.
MEGA’s platform built on a central repository ensures that all your GRC goals reach each other.