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HOPEX ITPM – Flexera Technopedia Integration
HOPEX ITPM – Flexera Technopedia Integration
Integration With Flexera To Track Technology Obsolescence
Hopex IT Portfolio Management also offers categorized and organized software product lifecycles to IT administrators, integrated with BDNA Techopedia ™. This feature allows you to track and manage deprecated and ineffective products, and thus protect you from unnecessary and unexpected costs and expenses.
- Automatically updates software technology lifecycles information in HOPEX repository
- Avoids the hassle of manually updating technology lifecycles
- Enables Portfolio Managers to better assess software technology portfolio, manage obsolescence and vendor support changes
- Technopedia tracks ~1.2 million IT hardware models and software releases, and 57 million+ market data points.
Why Flexera Technopedia?
Flexera Technopedia:
- Is the world’s largest catalog of IT products
- Tracks ~1.2 million IT hardware models and software releases, and 57 million+ market data points.
- Categorized and structured with attributes such as product lifecycle, end-of-life, and more
- Over 2,000 updates daily to ensure data fidelity, and available via web service API
Integration with Flexera Technopedia to Track Technology Obsolescence
Solution Benefits
- Automatically updates software technology lifecycles
- Enables effective decision making
- Helps track technology obsolescence within HOPEX IT Portfolio Management
HOPEX Flexera Technopedia Integration
Flexera Technopedia Product Structure
- Taxonomy
- Product type (CRM, database, etc.)
- Software vendor
- Product vendor (Oracle, Microsoft, etc.)
- Software Product
- Software Product name (MySQL 5.7, Java SE 7, etc.)
- Import Search criteria
- Software taxonomy
- Software vendor
- Software product name
Taxonomy Import Tool
Imported Software Taxonomy in ITPM repository
- Taxonomy import tool in IT Portfolio Management:
- Import taxonomy from Technopedia.
- Update properties of imported taxonomy in HOPEX IT
Portfolio Management repository.
Vendor Import Tool
- Vendor import tool in HOPEX IT Portfolio Management:
- Import specific software vendors from Flexera Technopedia.
- Update properties of imported vendor in HOPEX ITPM repository.
Software Technology Import Tool
Import software products from Technopedia
- Software technology import tool in IT Portfolio Management:
- Import software products from Technopedia
- Update properties of imported software product version and release in HOPEX IT Portfolio Management repository.
Imported Software Product Information
Imported Software in HOPEX IT Portfolio Management
- Imported software properties include:
- Release date
- End of support date
- End of extended support date
- It also includes software and version information from Technopedia
Technopedia ID in HOPEX to Automate Technopedia Import
- Include a Technopedia ID into existing technology components of HOPEX IT Portfolio Management, so that Technology lifecycle data is automatically updated from Technopedia.
- Search fields to look into Technopedia catalog are also automatically populated based on the selected technology component to facilitate the search
Alert Reports in HOPEX IT Portfolio Management
Provides an enhanced view of underlying software technology components and make well-informed decisions to update IT portfolio
- Alert reports provide a comprehensive view on technology portfolio obcolesence
- Portfolio breakdown includes:
- Early stage: before release date
- Supported usage: between release date and end of support date
- Late usage: between end of support and end of extended support dates
- Unsupported usage: after extended support date
Integration with Technopedia – Support Alerts
- Automatically checks software technology usage against lifecycle information provided by Technopedia: release date, end of support date and end of extended support date.